Helping you travel
As far as you can…
While you can…
Welcome My Travel Window
We are Ken and Ellen, a retired US couple from the Pacific Northwest. Our passion is travel, and over the last 10 years we have logged some 1,400 days away from home. We have toured every US state, half the provinces of Canada and two dozen other countries.
And for the last 5 years we have documented our travels and travel tips, looking to inspire others to see more of the wonders of our world. We started with a narrative blog, then moved on to a full YouTube channel, augmented by other social networks as well.
We invite you to come along for the ride and share the joy of travel with us. Because when it comes to travel our byline is,
“If not now, when?”
Where to find us
Check out these links for how to connect with our content. Please remember to like, comment, and subscribe!
Our most popular videos are about cruising, but we also offer tips about independent overseas travel, RV adventures, and home exchange. Check out our home page for a breakdown by category.
This link takes you to the index, from which you can easily find quick recaps of 6 years of travel, with more on the way!
We are just starting to be more active here, with a focus on single photos and short videos.
Recent Posts
Interested in more background? Here are some recent posts.
How did we pick our name?
A window has four sides, and here is what that means with regard to our choice of a name.
Yes, we really drove an RV into all 48 contiguous states
How long did it take and where did we go?