The Meaning of My Travel Window

To be able to travel extensively requires a certain amount of time and money to start. Similarly, there will be some point late in life when you will run out of sufficient money or health to continue.  For each of us, the period between those two points is our own “travel window.”  Waste the opportunity and it will be gone, which leads to our motto:  “If not now, when?”

But it is more than just time…

A physical window doesn’t just have sides, it has a top and a bottom.  For us the top represents how far you want to go.  Do you want to explore your own area, or your country, or your continent, or the world?  Ultimately, how in depth do you want explore?  The answers to these questions will determine the best ways to travel and the length of time needed. 

If you want to travel, we can help

My wife and I discovered our passion for travel when we took our first international trip in 2010, and started traveling in earnest in 2015.  By the end of 2023, we have:

  • Visited all 50 states in the US and half the provinces of Canad;
  • Traversed through more than two dozen other countries
  • Logged over 1,400 days (almost four years) in total travel
  • Explored 15 National Parks, and 20 of the 30 major league ballparks

Meanwhile, our adventures have also included a variety of transportation and accommodations:

  • 2 years of RV travel
  • A dozen home exchanges
  • Cruises on 6 different cruise lines
  • A series of land-based adventures in Europe, mostly by train
  • Touring on a 3-wheeled motorcycle

The resources that we have developed along the way include an online blog, a YouTube channel, a Facebook forum, and Instagram.  Check out the links to these in the Resources entry.

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